Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Presentations of Postcolonialism in English : New Orientations

Edited by Jaydeep Sarangi, Authorspress, 2007, xii, 282 p, ISBN : 8172733836, Rs. 650.00   Rs. 585.00 (Free shipping within India only. No extras for postage and handling. )

Presentations of Postcolonialism in English : New Orientations/edited by Jaydeep Sarangi Edited by Jaydeep Sarangi Vedams Books 8172733836Contents: Preface. 1. Representations of Colonialism in Indian Fiction in English/Rajeshwar Mittapalli. 2. Europe and the new culture/Jose Carlos Redondo Olmedilla. 3. Postcolonialism: theory, issues and applications/Sudhir K. Arora. 4. Empowering the Third World Women: the postcolonial perspective/Gajendra Kumar. 5. Going back to Ireland--Irish Homes in Bernard Maclavery's Grace Notes and Vincent Woods's A Cry From Heaven/Elisa Armellino. 6. Benjamin's Ambivalence Towards the City and Sex: reading Baudelaire in illuminations and reflections/Beerendra Pandey. 7. Grounding the text: acts of translations and the representation of the Hindu World/Alessandro Monti. 8. Marginals, education and postcolonial society/C. Kodhandaraman. 9. "Every Poem Becomes Dangerous": the aesthetics of resistance in contemporary Nigerian Poetry/Sule E. Egya. 10. The Spanism imagination exploring India: a postcolonial study/Antonia Navarro Tejero. 11. Voice of minority in new literature: Canada and India/M.B. Gaijan. 12. Neither on either side nor in-between: the Anglo-Indian and Postcolonial Indian Fiction in English/V. Padma. 13. The politics of correctness: India in translation/Malati Mathur. 14. English... New Englishes....Canadian English...Whither English?/D. Venkataramanan. 15. Tibetan Diasporic Poetry and the politics of neglect/Archana Sahni. 16. Basavaraj Naikar's Kannada translations: a postcolonial reading/Mallikarjun Patil. 17. "Value Education: A Synonym to a Healthy Education System"--a postcolonial study/G.A. Ghanshyam and U.K. Shrivastava. 18. Nayantara Sahgal's lesser breeds: a postcolonial text/Shivputra Shivaraj Kanade. 19. Postmodern traits: Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh/Anju Bala Agrawal. 20. Uttering reality: Alexis Wright's Plains of Promise/Himadri Roy. 21. Perspectivising Indian Poetics in postcolonial context: a study in application of Rasa Theory/Ujjwal Jana. 22. Replacing language in the post-colonial space: a study of Rama Mehta's Inside the Haveli and Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day and Fasting, Feasting/Jaydeep Sarangi. 23. From the spiritual to the Material Hero: the development of the Puritan Character/Ana M. Perez Cabello. A select bibliography. Index. 
"Presentations of Postcolonialism: New Orientations is a collection of essays which sets out to open the possible limits of the postcolonialism as a literary/social discourse. Postcolonialism, moving beyond the paradigm of so-called critical practice, has come to represent a complex web of meaning produced through multiple strategies of reading and interpreting it. The present collection of critical essays represents myriad, interesting and insightful explorations on textuality and inter-texuality of the postcolonial discourse, its meaning in recent critical practice. The contributors have explored the subject referring to different genres in connection with their traditional and radical interpretation into consideration." (jacket)

-Reviewed extensively and liked by many thinking minds!

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Book Description: Hard Bound. Book Condition: New. (Index)In this fast changing political social and cultural milieu of our times everything has undergone a sea-change. Inter-disciplinary and transcultural studies are made so that men understand one another in a better way. Everything is ' perpetually in process of cohesion and dissolution. This special anthology of critical essays, we believe, will play a vital role in transmitting knowledge to the readers about higher areas of learning. 200 Yr. of Pub.2007 8176257354. Bookseller Inventory # 90276

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Explorations In Australian Literature

Front Cover
Jaydeep Sarangi, Binod Mishra
Sarup & Sons, 01-Jan-2006 - Australian literature - 202 pages
User Review - Flag as inappropriate
Explorations In Australian Literature is a true and candid explorations, exaltations, examinations
and experimentations of Australian English literature through the experienced and seasoned
cum critic Jaydeep Sarangi & Binod Mishra. The ideas and aspects are highly relevant and real.
I am totally impressed.
Prof. Indrajit Kumar
K.B.College, Bermo, Bokaro, Jharkhand

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Poetry Book FROM DULONG TO BEAS reviewed by Dr. Dora Sales

FROM DULONG TO BEAS: Flow of the Soul  by Jaydeep Sarangi. Authorspress, New Delhi.(2012) p.b. 71 pp. ISBN: 978-81-7273-646-0. Rs. 95/=.

                               Reviewed b y Dr. Dora Sales
                                                                                                                                                                         Dr Dora Sales
Literary translator, Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies (Spain),Department of Translation and Communication,University Jaume I, 12005, Castellón, SPAIN ,

In literary studies, as in many other realms, generally we seem to move around a Eurocentric orbit that broadly forgets any tradition of literature outside it. It is a pity to note the lack of communication between literary traditions and the fact that proper attention is not being given to what diverse literary cultures could give us.
Prof. Jaydeep Sarangi, a bilingual poet-academic (in Bengali and English), has written a touching collection of poems, from India, for India and beyond: From Dulong to Beas. Flow of the Soul.
The book is introduced by a quote from Swami Vivekananda, also explicitly mentioned in the author’s gratitude preface. And the choice is not casual. As in Vivekananda’s main thoughts, this collection of poems oozes humanity. More than that. It transmits a deep love for humanity, in its small details, from daily feelings. Somehow, also, when reading the book, you notice a convincing combination of strength and softness: clear thoughts conveyed with profound gentleness.
Sarangi’s poetic voice delves into the question of identity, Indian, Bengali… only to transcend limits and become, above all, human. The images are deeply grounded in, contextualized in India, in particular and precise places. But the hues and meanings are openly universal.
As a poet, the author gives equal emphasis on dealing with social issues of grave urgency (Dalits are a main concern), as well as simple themes of day to day interest (desire, wondering, home, remembrance of past times...).
Also, in discoursive terms, he doesn’t create linguistic distance, nor complexity in form. On the contrary, ideas are expressed in an explicit manner, with a simplicity that is always a sign of poetic ability. His poetic images are fresh and clear, such as in “Relationship”:

I want my relationships to hover around me
Like a fairy over a garden;
A child with her mother
Not like a wasp or snake
That coils and coils.

Above all, Jaydeep Sarangi’s From Dulong to Beas: Flow of the Soul is a valuable contribution to literature produced from beyond the Western paradigm, to the whole world. His view is deeply human, and, thus, deeply universal.
As we all know, India has a rich literary tradition. Jaydeep Sarangi is a splendid member of this endless family. Truly, a poet of note.